ISSN (print): 2385-1546
ISSN (online): 2420-8213
Volume: 14
Year of the Pubblication: 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Notification of Acceptance
Paper Submission Deadline
Reviewed Paper Submission
Publishing Date

Add to Calendar 04/30/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Agenda 2030 | Sustainable constructions of human habitat (b)

During these years, from 2014 till 2020, SMC Journal has attempted to create a partnership of common aims and sensibility towards certain very delicate subjects; the past months have seen the world, and not only our Mediterranean area, facing its weakness and fragility in a very wild and unsettling contemplation. The humans thought they could be superior to the Nature and that their money could buy everything, starting from resources till reaching the technologies with which to dominate finally all the Earth inconveniences. Unfortunately the natural diseases could have not been defeated so easily as they thought: exactly in the year in which finally all the world, and in particular the old Europe have achieved to promote a serious programme of solutions, strategies and measures capable of counteracting the Planet destruction, with the identification of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for the 2030, the Nature has emerged more than ever in its strength and wildness. Therefore this Journal, already prepared to face these goals, but a little less able to face the Health problems in the anthropic regions, would like to extend these important Environmental subjects and has decided to promote other two issues about the SDGs 2030. To the 17 SDG, established by Europe in 2015, the Editorial Committee has added: 18) Soil and biodiversity preservation, 19) Responsible use of resources. Therefore as for n. 11 and n. 12, the next ones 13 and 14 will be centred on the European targets for Sustainable Development; if n. 11 was dedicated to the Architecture and Design scale of interventions and strategies and n. 12 was mainly dealing with City and Land scale questions, this next CALL (for n. 13 and n. 14) will ask for contributions mainly aimed at achieving the following topic: Agenda 2030. Sustainable constructions of human habitat. Issue n. 14 will be declined according to the second whole of sub-topics: 1) Goals 7-12 | Energy, industry, city, consumption and production – according to human habitat; 2) Agenda 2030 – The role of History and Culture within human habitat; 3) Agenda 2030 – The role of Science for building and modifying human habitat.
Magazine main subjects, Construction technology, Material science, Survey and representation, Construction procedures and security, Urban planning, Land transformation and perception, History of architecture, Hydraulics, Geological impacts, Architectural and Engineering design, Energy saving, Structural and Technical physics, Industrial design and Legal studies, are all connected with the sustainable construction in the Mediterranean region.

Code: CFP-SMC32-14_2021
Posting date: 05/01/2021

Agenda 2030 | Sustainable constructions of human habitat (b)

Aims and Scope

During these years, from 2014 till 2020, SMC Journal has attempted to create a partnership of common aims and sensibility towards certain very delicate subjects; the past months have seen the world, and not only our Mediterranean area, facing its weakness and fragility in a very wild and unsettling contemplation. The humans thought they could be superior to the Nature and that their money could buy everything, starting from resources till reaching the technologies with which to dominate finally all the Earth inconveniences. Unfortunately the natural diseases could have not been defeated so easily as they thought: exactly in the year in which finally all the world, and in particular the old Europe have achieved to promote a serious programme of solutions, strategies and measures capable of counteracting the Planet destruction, with the identification of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for the 2030, the Nature has emerged more than ever in its strength and wildness. Therefore this Journal, already prepared to face these goals, but a little less able to face the Health problems in the anthropic regions, would like to extend these important Environmental subjects and has decided to promote other two issues about the SDGs 2030. To the 17 SDG, established by Europe in 2015, the Editorial Committee has added: 18) Soil and biodiversity preservation, 19) Responsible use of resources. Therefore as for n. 11 and n. 12, the next ones 13 and 14 will be centred on the European targets for Sustainable Development; if n. 11 was dedicated to the Architecture and Design scale of interventions and strategies and n. 12 was mainly dealing with City and Land scale questions, this next CALL (for n. 13 and n. 14) will ask for contributions mainly aimed at achieving the following topic: Agenda 2030. Sustainable constructions of human habitat. Issue n. 14 will be declined according to the second whole of sub-topics: 1) Goals 7-12 | Energy, industry, city, consumption and production – according to human habitat; 2) Agenda 2030 – The role of History and Culture within human habitat; 3) Agenda 2030 – The role of Science for building and modifying human habitat.
Magazine main subjects, Construction technology, Material science, Survey and representation, Construction procedures and security, Urban planning, Land transformation and perception, History of architecture, Hydraulics, Geological impacts, Architectural and Engineering design, Energy saving, Structural and Technical physics, Industrial design and Legal studies, are all connected with the sustainable construction in the Mediterranean region.

English, Italian
Adaptive Façade, AEC Design Tools, Archaeological Heritage, Architectural Heritage, Architectural Renovation, Architectural Technology, Architecture, Art, Artificial Intelligence, Bio-based Materials, Bioenergy, Building Technology, Business, Economics & Management, Circular Economy, Civil Engineering, Climate Change, Complex Systems, Construction Managements, Construction Systems Engineering, Crafts, Design & Arts, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Landscape, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Design, Development Economics, Ecology, Energy Efficiency, Energy Retrofitting, Environmental & Geological Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Technologies, Graphic Design, Green Materials, Housing, Industrial Design, Industrial Engineering, Industry 4.0, Information Architecture, Interdisciplinary Approach, Internet of Things (IoT), Land Use, Landscape, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Materials, Modeling, Monitoring, Nanotechnology, Natural Materials, Nature-based Solutions, Process Innovation, Process Management, Process Modeling and Simulation, Recycled Materials, Rehabilitation, Renewable Energy, Renewable Resources, SDGs 2030, Simulation Tools, Smart Buildings, Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Materials, Technological Design, Thermal Management, Thermal Simulation, Traditional Architecture, Traditional Techniques, Urban Studies & Planning, User Experience Design, Vegetation, Vernacular Architecture, Visual Design, Waste Management, Web Design
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

Scopus, ANVUR.


The APC is meant of 200 € for SMC non collaborators; for SMC collaborators – SMC Association members, Referee committee members, Editorial Committee members and Scientific Committee members – the APC is instead of € 150.

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