ISSN (print): 0961-3218
ISSN (online): 1466-4321
There is a growing body of evidence around the relationship between buildings and the physical and psychological health of building users. This relationship has been further highlighted by the current global pandemic and the climate emergency. It is a topic that has featured within the pages of Building Research & Information over the past fifty years, although we have never published a Special Issue with a focus on health and wellbeing. Given the fundamental relationship between people, buildings and our environment it is an area that we would like to explore further to mark our 50th anniversary. Original research, information papers and evidence-based commentaries are welcome that address topics such as: Building design and performance in relation to health pandemics and infection control; The design, use, maintenance, adaption and reuse of buildings to enhance our physical, social and psychological wellbeing; Buildings and their influence on our sleep quality; Urban density and its relationship to our acoustic, visual and thermal comfort; The relationship between our response to climate change and realising healthier buildings; Active design for inclusivity, health and wellbeing; Innovations in healthcare buildings and active living.
United KingdomBuilding health and wellbeing (50th anniversary Special Issue)
There is a growing body of evidence around the relationship between buildings and the physical and psychological health of building users. This relationship has been further highlighted by the current global pandemic and the climate emergency. It is a topic that has featured within the pages of Building Research & Information over the past fifty years, although we have never published a Special Issue with a focus on health and wellbeing. Given the fundamental relationship between people, buildings and our environment it is an area that we would like to explore further to mark our 50th anniversary. Original research, information papers and evidence-based commentaries are welcome that address topics such as: Building design and performance in relation to health pandemics and infection control; The design, use, maintenance, adaption and reuse of buildings to enhance our physical, social and psychological wellbeing; Buildings and their influence on our sleep quality; Urban density and its relationship to our acoustic, visual and thermal comfort; The relationship between our response to climate change and realising healthier buildings; Active design for inclusivity, health and wellbeing; Innovations in healthcare buildings and active living.
ANBAR; Architectural Publications Index API; ARCOM Construction Management Abstracts; Avery Periodical Index; British Technology Index; Building Management Abstracts; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Construction and Building Abstracts; Construction Information Digest; CRI Abstracts (India); Engineering Index; Entrepreneurship Research Engine;; ICONDA ®Bibliographic; International Building Services Abstracts; International Civil Engineering Abstracts; International Developments Abstracts; ISMEC (Mechanical Engineering Abstracts); Journal of Planning Literature; RICS Abstracts; Science Citations Index (SCI); Science Direct; SciSearch Research Alert; Shandong Jianzhu University abstracts (in Chinese) and Urban Studies Abstracts.
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