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Add to Calendar 06/30/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Using Circular Economy Principles to Manage Construction Waste

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new Special Issue focusing on the reuse and recycling of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste stream. The construction industry around the world has grown significantly in the past two decades. Population growth has led to the need for extensive property development, better public transport and improved infrastructure. This means there has been a substantial increase in waste produced by construction and demolition activities. A sustainable solution to overcome issues related to the growing C&D waste stream is to create and stimulate end markets. However, this seems to be a challenging task, as multiple factors are involved in the process. This Special Issue aims to exhibit the latest research findings in the field of C&D waste management, with a particular focus on the use of the circular economy. This Special Issue is inviting outstanding research outputs, including case studies, original articles and review papers, on the following topics: The construction and demolition waste stream; End markets for recycled waste materials; The circular economy in the built environment; Industrial symbiosis; A cradle-to-cradle approach; Extended producer responsibility; Stakeholders’ perceptions; C&D waste management technologies; Supply chain analysis; C&D waste management strategies; Supportive regulatory frameworks; Deconstruction and material reuse; Barriers to implementation.
Keywords: construction and demolition waste stream; end markets for recycled waste materials; circular economy in the built environment; industrial symbiosis; cradle to cradle approach; extended producer responsibility; stakeholders’ perceptions; C&D waste management technologies; supply chain analysis; C&D waste management strategies; supportive regulatory framework; deconstruction and material reuse; barriers for implementation.

Code: CFP-R111-SI3_2021
Posting date: 04/11/2020

Using Circular Economy Principles to Manage Construction Waste

Aims and Scope

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new Special Issue focusing on the reuse and recycling of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste stream. The construction industry around the world has grown significantly in the past two decades. Population growth has led to the need for extensive property development, better public transport and improved infrastructure. This means there has been a substantial increase in waste produced by construction and demolition activities. A sustainable solution to overcome issues related to the growing C&D waste stream is to create and stimulate end markets. However, this seems to be a challenging task, as multiple factors are involved in the process. This Special Issue aims to exhibit the latest research findings in the field of C&D waste management, with a particular focus on the use of the circular economy. This Special Issue is inviting outstanding research outputs, including case studies, original articles and review papers, on the following topics: The construction and demolition waste stream; End markets for recycled waste materials; The circular economy in the built environment; Industrial symbiosis; A cradle-to-cradle approach; Extended producer responsibility; Stakeholders’ perceptions; C&D waste management technologies; Supply chain analysis; C&D waste management strategies; Supportive regulatory frameworks; Deconstruction and material reuse; Barriers to implementation.
Keywords: construction and demolition waste stream; end markets for recycled waste materials; circular economy in the built environment; industrial symbiosis; cradle to cradle approach; extended producer responsibility; stakeholders’ perceptions; C&D waste management technologies; supply chain analysis; C&D waste management strategies; supportive regulatory framework; deconstruction and material reuse; barriers for implementation.

Circular Economy, Construction Managements, Construction Systems Engineering, Data Analysis Processes, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Design for Disassembly, Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Technologies, Innovative Technologies, Interdisciplinary Approach, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Management Engineering, Manufacturing Process, Process Management, Production, Reuse, Sustainability, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Materials, Waste Management, Waste Recovery
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

DOAJ, FSTA-Food Science and Technology Abstracts (IFIS), Inspec (IET), Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD), Scopus (Elsevier), CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), Academic OneFile (Gale/Cengage Learning), EBSCOhost (EBSCO Publishing), Google Scholar, J-Gate (Informatics India), Science In Context (Gale/Cengage Learning), WorldCat (OCLC).


Info at: www.mdpi.com/journal/recycling/apc

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Additional Notice from the Editor

Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Abdol R. Chini
Dr. Tayyab Maqsood
Dr. Salman Shooshtarian