Paper Submission Deadline
Reviewed Paper Submission

Add to Calendar 03/01/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome IEECP 2021 | International Conference On Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production

Renewable energy is the fastest-growing energy source since the beginning of the century and the demand growth with the fast development in industrial and transportation sectors. According to the C2ES, renewables made up more than 20 percent of net U.S. energy consumed globally for heating, power, and transportation. Nearly 60 percent came from modern renewables (i.e., biomass, geothermal, solar, hydro, wind, and biofuels). In the industrial sector, biomass makes up 98 percent of the renewable energy use with nearly 60 percent derived from biomass wood, 32 percent from biofuels, and nearly 7 percent from biomass waste. In the transportation sector, renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, have increased significantly during the past decade. E85 (ethanol transportation fuel) is expected to be the fastest growing renewable energy type, growing at an average annual rate of 9.7 percent over the next 30 years. The International Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production (IEECP’21) aims to investigate innovation applications and last researches in the areas of energy production, alternative and renewable energy supply, energy savings analysis, cleaner production, optimization of energy processes and the environmental impacts. It is our pleasure to invite you to to participate to the IEECP’21, which will take place virtually in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, California – USA from 29-30 July, 2021. The IEECP international conference provides a forum for both researchers and industrial to present and share their latest findings in all aspects of applied energy and cleaner production. This provides a unique opportunity to investigate the intersections and the inter-play of the various approaches and solutions developed across this domain. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, full or short papers that address the main energy topics which include, but are not limited to the following topics:
Renewable Energy | Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Hydro energy; Geothermal energy; Biomass energy; Tidal energy; Hydrogen & fuel cells.
Cleaner Production | Sustainable Development; Eco-design; Low carbon; Industrial Ecology; Recycling & elimination; Improved Material; Energy use & Consumption; Heating and cooling.
Energy Storage | Compressed Air Storage; Hydroelectricity Storage; Advanced Energy Storage; Flywheel Energy Storage; Lithium-Ion Battery Storage; Liquid Air Energy Storage; Methane.
Sustainable Building | Sustainable Architecture; Sustainable Materials; Low-Energy Building; Smart Building; Green Design; Energy Efficiency; Waste Reduction.Energy Economics | Energy Finance; Markets for Energy; Regulation & Taxation; International Trade; Trading Systems; Economic Efficiency; Market Design.
Advanced Energy Systems | Energy Transformation; Regeneration Systems; Grid Systems; Performance Analysis; New trends & Technologies; Hybrid Energies Systems; Computational Methods & optimization; Reliability & Maintenance; Safety and Security; Conversion Systems; Energy Modeling & Design.
Environmental Sustainability | Climate Change; Global Warming; Biomonitoring; Ecology & Ecosystems; Emerging Pollutants; Environmental Noise; Environmental Impact; Removal of Pollutants; Policies & Strategies.
Energy & Artificial Intelligence | Applied AI in Energy; Smart Grids; Smart Cities; Big Data & Analytics; Machine Learning; Internet-of-Things & Energy Systems; Autonomous Systems; Intelligent Energy Systems; Energy Robotics; Decision-Making.

United States Of America
Code: C54-IEECP-2021
Posting date: 05/02/2021

IEECP 2021 | International Conference On Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production

From 29/07/2021 to 30/07/2021
Not declared
Silicon Valley | California
United States Of America
Aims and Scope

Renewable energy is the fastest-growing energy source since the beginning of the century and the demand growth with the fast development in industrial and transportation sectors. According to the C2ES, renewables made up more than 20 percent of net U.S. energy consumed globally for heating, power, and transportation. Nearly 60 percent came from modern renewables (i.e., biomass, geothermal, solar, hydro, wind, and biofuels). In the industrial sector, biomass makes up 98 percent of the renewable energy use with nearly 60 percent derived from biomass wood, 32 percent from biofuels, and nearly 7 percent from biomass waste. In the transportation sector, renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, have increased significantly during the past decade. E85 (ethanol transportation fuel) is expected to be the fastest growing renewable energy type, growing at an average annual rate of 9.7 percent over the next 30 years. The International Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production (IEECP’21) aims to investigate innovation applications and last researches in the areas of energy production, alternative and renewable energy supply, energy savings analysis, cleaner production, optimization of energy processes and the environmental impacts. It is our pleasure to invite you to to participate to the IEECP’21, which will take place virtually in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, California – USA from 29-30 July, 2021. The IEECP international conference provides a forum for both researchers and industrial to present and share their latest findings in all aspects of applied energy and cleaner production. This provides a unique opportunity to investigate the intersections and the inter-play of the various approaches and solutions developed across this domain. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, full or short papers that address the main energy topics which include, but are not limited to the following topics:
Renewable Energy | Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Hydro energy; Geothermal energy; Biomass energy; Tidal energy; Hydrogen & fuel cells.
Cleaner Production | Sustainable Development; Eco-design; Low carbon; Industrial Ecology; Recycling & elimination; Improved Material; Energy use & Consumption; Heating and cooling.
Energy Storage | Compressed Air Storage; Hydroelectricity Storage; Advanced Energy Storage; Flywheel Energy Storage; Lithium-Ion Battery Storage; Liquid Air Energy Storage; Methane.
Sustainable Building | Sustainable Architecture; Sustainable Materials; Low-Energy Building; Smart Building; Green Design; Energy Efficiency; Waste Reduction.Energy Economics | Energy Finance; Markets for Energy; Regulation & Taxation; International Trade; Trading Systems; Economic Efficiency; Market Design.
Advanced Energy Systems | Energy Transformation; Regeneration Systems; Grid Systems; Performance Analysis; New trends & Technologies; Hybrid Energies Systems; Computational Methods & optimization; Reliability & Maintenance; Safety and Security; Conversion Systems; Energy Modeling & Design.
Environmental Sustainability | Climate Change; Global Warming; Biomonitoring; Ecology & Ecosystems; Emerging Pollutants; Environmental Noise; Environmental Impact; Removal of Pollutants; Policies & Strategies.
Energy & Artificial Intelligence | Applied AI in Energy; Smart Grids; Smart Cities; Big Data & Analytics; Machine Learning; Internet-of-Things & Energy Systems; Autonomous Systems; Intelligent Energy Systems; Energy Robotics; Decision-Making.

Review process
The Conference adopts double-blind peer review process
Air Pollution, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Big Data, Bioenergy, Biomass, Clean Energy, Clean Technologies, Climate Change, Computational Methods, Ecology, Economics, Ecosystems, Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage, Environment, Environmental Sustainability, Green Buildings, Green Cities, Green Economy, Green Infrastructures, Green Materials, Maintenance, Recycling, Reliability, Renewable Energy, Safety and Security, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Solar Energy, Sustainability, Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Materials, Wind Energy
Organized by
Not declared
Congress Fee

The conference early bird registration must be done, two weeks after the acceptance notification, through the online registration system. The IEE CP’21 conference registration fees are resumed in the following table:
$ 99
Early Bird
$ 150
Early Bird
Keynote Speaker
$ 250
Early Bird
$ 50
Early Bird

Book of Proceedings

All abstracts, full and short papers will be accepted through a peer review process and will be published electronically within the  conference proceedings series. Selected best papers from the conference will be considered for possible publication in high quality supporting journals.

Indexed By
Scopus, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index – CPCI (ISI Web of Science).
Not declared
Contact Person
Not declared
Person's Title
Not declared
Enquiries e-mail
ieecp.conf@gmail.com or contact@ieecp-conference.org
Call webpage
Additional Notice from the Organizing Committee

Due to the USA  COVID-19 countermeasures and to prevent pandemic spreading, we inform you that the the IEE CP’21 conference will be organized virtually  through an online virtual conference platform. This decision has been made as unprecedented measures to stop the coronavirus’s spread and to offer alternative way to allow researchers to share their scientific work and interact with collaborators. Indeed, the coronavirus pandemic have pushed us to rethink the concept of meetings entirely and propose the virtual conference approach to make the meeting more accessible to a wider set of researchers and reach a larger audience than a conventional meeting could. Participants will watch recorded talks ahead of time and then join in online conversations on the day of the conference. The virtual conference program will be announced before the conference dates and the online conference platform will be available for all registered authors and listeners.