Applied Acoustics
Since its launch in 1968, Applied Acoustics has been publishing high quality research papers providing state-of-the-art coverage of research findings for engineers and scientists involved in applications of acoustics in the widest sense. Applied Acoustics looks not only at recent developments in the understanding of acoustics but also at ways of exploiting that understanding. The Journal aims to encourage the exchange of practical experience through publication and in so doing creates a fund of technological information that can be used for solving related problems. The presentation of information in graphical or tabular form is especially encouraged. If a report of a mathematical development is a necessary part of a paper it is important to ensure that it is there only as an integral part of a practical solution to a problem and is supported by data. Applied Acoustics encourages the exchange of practical experience in the following ways: Complete Research Papers; Short Technical Notes; Review Articles.
We welcome papers in acoustics in the following key areas: Acoustic Instrumentation; Acoustic Modelling; Acoustic Property; Acoustic Signal Processing; Aeroacoustics; Architectural Acoustics; Audiology; Bioacoustics; Building Acoustics; Environmental Acoustics; Linear Acoustics; Marine Acoustics; Medical Acoustics; Musical Acoustics; Noise Control; Nonlinear Acoustics; Numerical Methods in Acoustics; Physical Acoustics; Physiological Acoustics; Psychoacoustics; Structural Acoustics; Ultrasonic; Vibration.
Applied Mechanics Reviews; Current Contents – Engineering, Computing & Technology; Scopus; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; EBSCOhost; Engineering Index Monthly; Ei Compendex; Gale Academic OneFile; Gale Infotrac Custom; GeoRef; INSPEC; Science Citation Index Expanded; TEMA – Technik und Management; Web of Science; ANVUR.
Info at: www.elsevier.com/journals/applied-acoustics/0003-682x/open-access-options