Green Open Access
Engineering Structures and Technologies
Engineering Structures and Technologies is a peer-review journal which publishes original research papers. The journal presents new results of research, practical proposals and recommendations on the introduction of science and technical equipment in order to improve sustainable construction. Engineering Structures and Technologies also publishes review articles, book reviews, short communications and discussions related to any aspect of structural engineering. The scope of Engineering Structures and Technologies includes the following: structural engineering; infrastructure engineering; geotechnical engineering; wind engineering; fire engineering; blast engineering; risk-based design; reliability of building structures; structural stability; fatigue and fracture mechanics; structural mechanics; optimization of structures; experimental and numerical modelling; the practice of Eurocodes and standards; building information modeling; structural health monitoring; life assessment and structural integrity; materials of structures; constructions technology and management; structures production technology.
Dimensions, DOAJ, EBSCOhost: Academic Search Complete, TOC Premier, Gale® – Academic OneFile, InfoTrac Custom, Google Scholar, ICONDA (The International CONstruction DAtabase); Microsoft Academic, MyScienceWork, OpenAIRE2020 (deposit publications), ProQuest – Summon™, Ulrichsweb™.
The journal operates as open access journal, the process is completely free of charges to both authors and readers. All publication fees are covered by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.