Code: J35-2020-FAMag
Posting date: 06/09/2020


Research and Projects on Architecture and the City

ISSN (print): 2039-0491   |   
Aims and Scope

FAMagazine | Research and Projects on Architecture and the City is a scientific e-journal in the areas of the architectural project (Anvur disciplinary areas: 08/C – Design and technological planning of architecture, 08/D – Architectural design, 08/E1 – Drawing, 08/E2 – Architectural restoration and history, 08/F– Urban and landscape planning and design) that publishes critical articles compliant with the indications in the Guidelines for the authors of the articles. Despite the scientific value recognized by ANVUR for all disciplinary areas of architecture, the focus remains the architectural project, the architectural and urban design, and in particular the architectural and urban composition. In the case of participations following a call for papers, the article must be relevant to the specific theme of the call, generally indicated in the call. FAMagazine consists of three sections: ‘Editorial’, ‘Articles’ and ‘Reviews’. As a rule, the Editorial section contains only one article written by the editor of the magazine number with the aim of introducing the theme and published articles. As a result it is not possible to offer editorials. The contents of the Editorial section are not subject to peer review but are indexed. As a rule, the Articles section contains a variable number of articles (minimum 5) received through proposals and/or requested to specific authors and in compliance with the Guidelines for authors of the articles. All the articles in the section (with the exclusion of those requested from well-known authors of the highest repute) are subjected to a peer review and indexed procedure. As a rule, the Reviews section contains a variable number of articles received through proposals and/or requested to specific authors and in compliance with the Textbook Guidelines. The articles in the section are not subject to a peer review procedure but are indexed.

Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
English, Italian
Architectural Design, Architectural Heritage, Architectural Renovation, Architectural Theory, Architectural Typology, Architecture, Buildings, Business, Economics & Management, City, Climate Change, Criticism, Cultural Heritage, Design Methodology, Design Theory, Digital Modeling, Digital Project, Garden Design, Green Cities, Green Infrastructures, Health & Wellbeing, Higher Education, History of Architecture, Industry 4.0, Information Architecture, Innovation, Land Use, Landscape, Modeling, Open-source, Parametric Design, Process Innovation, Process Management, Project Tools, Public Spaces, Recovery, Redevelopment, Rehabilitation, Resilience, Reuse, Simulation Tools, Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities, Theory, Tools, Urban Design, Urban Development, Urban Landscapes, Urban Planning, Urban Regeneration, Urban Restoration, Urban Studies & Planning, Virtual Reality
First Published
Festival Architettura Edizioni
Issue for Year
Publishing date
January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December
Scientific Director
Enrico Prandi, Lamberto Amistadi
Editor in Chief
Tommaso Brighenti
Indexed By

DOAJ, ROAD, Web of Science, ESCI, URBADOC of Archinet, SCOPUS, ANVUR.


There is no fee of any kind charged for publishing.
