Green Open Access
Journal of Architecture & Urbanism
The Journal of Architecture and Urbanism is a peer-review academic journal which publishes original research papers. Through publication of new research results we provide a forum for discussion and debate on various areas of architecture and urbanism. Topics covered include: urban design and planning; sustainable development of regional structures; history and theory of architecture and urban planning; history and theory of landscape architecture; protection of architecture and urban heritage; technologies of architecture and urban design; architectural education.
Academic Journal Guide 2018, Clarivate Analytics databases – Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Dimensions, DOAJ, EBSCOhost – Business Source Complete, Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Current Abstracts, GreenFILE, TOC Premier, Scopus, ERIH Plus, Gale® – Academic OneFile, InfoTrac Custom, Google Scholar, ICONDA (The International CONstruction DAtabase), Microsoft Academic, MyScienceWork, OpenAIRE2020 (deposit publications), ProQuest – ProQuest Central, Summon™ , Ulrichsweb™.
The journal operates as open access journal, the process is completely free of charges to both authors and readers. All publication fees are covered by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.