Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture aims to promote the theory and practice of civil engineering science and technology, innovation, engineering and management. The Journal welcomes contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and civil engineering researchers all over the world. A broad outline of the journal’s scope includes: peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in civil engineering science and technology, both natural and manmade. Thus high quality research papers or reviews dealing with any aspect of civil engineering are welcome. Papers may be theoretical, interpretative or experimental. The journal is published in English. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy. Scopes of our journal include, but are not limited to the following fields: Advanced Computing in Civil Building and Urban Engineering, Advanced technology on building and infrastructure rehabilitation technique, Architecture and Urban planning, Assessment of Building and Infrastructure performance, Augmented and Virtual Reality for Civil and Building Engineering, Building and Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Maintenance, Building Materials and Structures, Building Renovation and Energy Efficiency, Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Computational Methods in Civil Engineering, Computer Simulation for Civil and Building Engineering, Computer Supported Collaborative Design and Construction, Computer-Aided Design, Construction and Management, Computer-based Monitoring and Maintenance of Infrastructure, Computer-based Structural Control, Computing for Conceptual Design, Construction Education, Construction Planning Control and Risk Management, Construction Simulation Visualization and Product Modeling, Constructions technology economy and management, Contracting and Legal Issues, Data Sensing and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Digital processing for historic building rehabilitation and maintenance, Disaster Preparedness Response and Recovery with IT, Distributed Computing in Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Engineering Economics, Environmentally Sustainable Design and Construction, Fire Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, GIS for Civil Building and Urban Engineering, High-rise and Underground Building Engineering, History of Civil Engineering, Human Computer Interaction and Graphics, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrotechnical engineering, Image Processing, Information Technologies and Ecology, Information Technologies in Construction, Information Technologies in Transport Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, Intelligent Construction Site, Knowledge Management and Information Technology, Labor Safety in Construction, Management on building and infrastructure maintenance, Multi-Agents Systems, Organizational and Labor Issues, Process Modeling and Simulation, Product Modeling and Simulation, Road & Bridge Engineering, Smart Building and Smart City, Smart Material for Building and Infrastructure Repair, Structural Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring System, Structural Mechanics and Physics, Structural Reliability/Stability, Supervision and Control of Maintenance and Repair Strategy, Testing and Inspection, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering and Economy, Water Resource, Wind Engineering,
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The authors pay $60 per page in JCEA format.