Green Open Access
Journal of Design Studio
The aim of the Journal of Design Studio is bringing different design studio researchers together on a multidisciplinary design studio research platform. This design studio research platform gives the researchers who made experimental studies in their design studio education to share their works with the other researchers in the same area or similar research fields. The scope of the Journal of Design Studios include all research and experimental works realized in all type of design studios. Articles appeared in the journal cannot be used, whole article or in part, without proper referencing. The journal aims to publish scientific articles based on design studio education of different disciplines, especially in architecture, interior design, urban design, industrial design, communication design, graphic design, fashion design and all other design disciplines. In addition to publication of scientific papers, the journal may include good studio practices and book reviews in the field.
ASOS Index, Base, Crossref, Dimensions, GoogleScholar, Ideal online, Index Copernicus, OpenAIRE, OUCI, Paperity, ROAD, Sciencegate, SciLit, WorldCat, World Catalogue of Scientific Journals.
There is no fee of any kind charged for publishing.