Code: J150-2021-EPD
Gold Open Access with option
Environment and Planning D | Society and Space
ISSN (print): 0263-7758
ISSN (online): 1472-3433
Topics: Accessibility, Anthropology, Architecture, Big Data, Case Studies, City, Communication, Complex Systems, Criticism, Data Analysis Processes, Data Management, Decision Support Systems, Development Economics, Economics, Environment, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sustainability, Future Developments, Good Practices, Governance, Green Policies, Human-centered Design, ICT, Inclusive Design, Innovation, Innovative Applications, Innovative Approaches, Interdisciplinary Approach, Internet of Things (IoT), Knowledge Process, Local Communities, Management, Planning, Production, Public Spaces, Resilience, Resource Management, Risk Management, SDGs 2030, Social Impact, Social Sustainability, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Theory
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Publisher: SAGE Publishing