Green Open Access
Restauro Archeologico
Restauro Archeologico is a scientific international print and open access journal, issued every six months. RA publishes articles peer-reviewed concerning the knowledge, conservation, and valorisation of all endangered, neglected, or ruined architectural structures and aims to focus attention on the methodologies of study and intervention on architectural heritage in archaeological contexts or connected to them (pluristratification). The archaeological restoration may involve, for modes of intervention and enhancement purposes, in addition to the ancient heritage, even all the architectures that, due of their origin, conditions of use and maintenance are reduced to ruins; for instance, interventions could be undertaken on modern buildings that are abandoned or in a state of ruin, using procedures similar to those applied to ancient structures, with the primary purpose of maintaining memory: this is the case, for example, of industrial archaeology. Therefore, the journal aims to be a privileged observation window of all possible conservative approaches depending on the geopolitical and cultural multiple contexts. With this in mind, ample space is given to multidisciplinary aspects inherent in the practice of restoration, with special attention to methodological and technical advances in the discipline.
The Journal does not ask for articles and submissions processing charges APC.