SMC | Sustainable Mediterranean Construction
Land Culture, Research and Technology
SMC is the magazine that gives voice to studies and researches conducted by the Sustainable Mediterranean Construction Association with the intent of contributing to the scientific and cultural debate on the environment and built areas in the Mediterranean basin with a view to expanding and disseminating knowledge of a cultural heritage that over the centuries has been the cradle of civilizations. Ease in communications and transportation, different cultures and ethnicities, different environmental conditions and local resources have enriched a large cultural luggage that quickly spread over the centuries by taking everywhere different features. The Association is aimed at promoting and disseminating studies and projects to control the transformations of the territory within the Mediterranean basin as well as to promote the dissemination of research results by means of scientific activity. The Association brings together different expertise in the various fields of engineering, architecture and geology that converge in the interest of pursuing sustainable choices in the development and recovery policies of the Mediterranean environmental heritage. The title of the magazine, Sustainable Mediterranean Construction – Land Culture, Research and Technology, came from the will of a number of researchers who have been carrying on studious activities for years in the sectors of land construction and re-qualification of the natural and anthropic environment. Therefore the Magazine wishes to be a toll for a scientific depth of sustainability for development, thus acquiring an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature, besides the transcalarity of the various subjects. Italian as well as foreigner studious experts, through the SMC’s pages, will promote and increase the international debate around the specific subjects of the Mediterranean habitat. The contribution of any eventual interested author will be both by means of invitation and offering papers in the shape of essays, communications, interviews and critique examination of books, published both in the author’s language and in English, and subjected to referee action by a specific Referee Commission chosen among a Panel of Italian and International experts. The aim will hence be that of updating the various approaches and discovering the possible common ground on which the various expertise can in fact dialogue and interact, so as to provide more sensitive language and more careful techniques of construction, which will reduce the disadvantages of a deep footprint and serious impacts to both earth and man life.
Scopus, ANVUR.
The APC is meant of 200 € for SMC non collaborators; for SMC collaborators – SMC Association members, Referee committee members, Editorial Committee members and Scientific Committee members – the APC is instead of € 150.